Tuesday, June 23, 2009

June 23rd 2009

South Carolina GOP Gov. Mark Sanford showed up after gone missing for 4 days. Apparently this year it was time to spend father’s day with the kids of all his mistresses.

South Carolina GOP Gov. Mark Sanford went missing for 4 days. Unfortunately for South Carolina, he is back.

Doctors say that Chaz Bono needs to lose weight before sexual reassignment surgery. So at least she can see it.

The federal government is spending $423,500 to find out why men don't like using condoms. It is expensive because they have to keep practicing and practicing with prostitutes.

Over the weekend, President Obama took his daughters to See the film "Up". Which he discovered wasn’t about his ratings.

A man in New Jersey impersonated a police officer using his "geek squad" badge to trick a hooker into having sex with him for free. She suspected something was wrong when the guy tried to make love to her with the pants on and pointing at her boobies.

An estimated 27 million people worldwide still live as slaves. Weird, I thought there were more married guys.

Researchers from Tohoku University in Japan have found that chubby people live longer than skinny people. Especially if they fall on top of them.

The woman whom John Edwards had an affair is shopping a tell-all book proposal dishing about the sex scandal. Apparently she needs the money to get Edwards a present for father’s day.

Megan Fox apologized to a kid she ignored last week. The kid is willing to accept the apology as long as she flashes him.

Britney Spears might be part of a movie in which she creates a time machine and travels back… to a time when she was hotter and mentally sane.

An airline company has launched the world's first pets-only flights dedicated to animal-friendly travel. And today Cat Stevens, Snoop Doggy Dog and Dog the Bounty Hunter booked already a flight.