Tuesday, June 09, 2009

June 9th 2009

Sonia Sotomayor broke her ankle when she tripped at LaGuardia Airport on her way to meet some senators. Obama is very optimistic she’ll make it in the Supreme Court; as of yesterday, she got almost 57 senators signing her cast.

Sonia Sotomayor broke her ankle when she tripped at LaGuardia Airport. Apparently, she was trying to lean too much on the right to gain the trust of some senators.

Citizens in India are worshipping a frog because it changes colors. And then they realized Susan Boyle has been changing outfits.

The movie Transformers 2, will hit theaters on June 24th. The movie is called Revenge of the Fallen, and this time the robots turn into cars and try to fight bankruptcy.

Gas prices jumped nearly 3 cents over the weekend, landing at an average of $2.598 a gallon, forcing Gwyneth Paltrow to hire extra security to protect her legs.

According to a new study from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, women with the best sex lives are the most productive at work. Ahh, so my wife wasn’t cheating on me with her boss; she was trying to get better at work…

Royal Dutch Shell agreed Monday to a 15.5 million dollar payout to settle a lawsuit alleging complicity in murder, torture and other abuses by Nigeria's former military government. Victims were told to check their e-mails where they will receive instructions on how to get the money of the settlement.

An ex-con is suing an upstate prison nurse who allegedly sent him back to his cell after medication side effects gave him a painful erection that lasted 55 hours. The nurse is also being sued by other inmates for sleep deprivation.

An ex-con is suing an upstate prison nurse who allegedly sent him back to his cell after medication side effects gave him a painful erection that lasted 55 hours. And today Hugh Hefner changed nurses.

A Florida couple is getting married. He’s 93 and she is 89. The wedding will take place on Sunday and is expected to last about five days because that is what it’ll take them to walk the aisle.

A 93-year-old man and an 89-year-old woman are tying the knot in Florida next Sunday. They are really tying a knot so when they get to church they remember why they went there

A British tabloid reports that Britney Spears’ father is trying to keep booze completely out of her daughter’s sight. Apparently, he is hiding it next to her kids, because she never pays attention to them.

Susan Boyle was just released from the clinic and is ready to join the Britain’s Got Talent Tour. She’ll be flying to London this week in her own broom.