Tuesday, September 15, 2009

September 15th 2009

The world continues to react to Kanye West's disruption of Taylor Swift. And today, President Bush said Kanye doesn't care about white people.

A snake with a single foot has been discovered in China. I didn’t know Heather Mills was vacationing there.

A snake with a single foot has been discovered in China. It is one of the most dangerous snakes: first it trips you, and then it bites you.

A snake with a single foot has been discovered in China. Perfect, it already comes with the shape of the shoe.

Osama bin Laden issued a new audio tape. It was immediately interrupted by Kanye claiming that Beyonce’s tape is way better.

Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden issued an apparently new audiotape on an Islamist website on Monday. Actually, it is the same old tape, but like with the Beatles, it is the re-mastered version.

Harrison Ford is going to make an "Indiana Jones 5". This time Indiana Jones has the most difficult crusade; he has to fight the Death Panels.

Harrison Ford is going to make an "Indiana Jones 5". The title: “Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost 401K”

Ichiro Susuki reached again 200 hits this season. Even Chris Brown was envious.

President Obama and Bill Clinton had lunch yesterday at a small restaurant in New York City. Obama had fish, pasta and salad, and Bill two waitresses.

Serena Williams issued an apology; unfortunately, she was interrupted by Kanye West saying that Joe Wilson had a way better apology.

Serena Williams issued an apology for her outburst at the US Open. She also promised to change her name from Serena to Rage Williams.

A drug now used to treat cancer may also be able to improve the memory in patients with Alzheimer's. Like I want to remember I have cancer…

Scientists predict artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence after 2020. Or, it already did it long time ago if you are talking about Jessica Simpson’s.

A 107-year-old Malaysian woman says she is ready to marry for the 23rd time. And today Ashton Kutchner asked for her phone number.

Three NFL players agreed to donate their brains after death to a Boston University medical school program that studies sports brain injuries. Apparently, the doctors want to study brains that have never been used.

Three NFL players agreed to donate their brains after death to a Boston University medical school program that studies sports brain injuries. This is not new; Terrel Owens, PLaxico and Michael Vick donated theirs long time ago.

An 11-year-old faked his own kidnapping to avoid bringing home a bad report card. His parents suspected he was lying when he said the dog kidnapped him.