Monday, July 09, 2007

Live Earth
Madonna was one of the performers at the "Live Earth" concert and she had a great impact on the audience about doing something for global warming. People will do anything to cool off the earth so we don’t have to see Madonna in 10 years with less clothing on stage.

The Live Earth concert had dismal TV ratings in the UK. It seems Britons understood the message of the concert right away and saved energy by turning their TVs off. After this unintended success, organizers are thinking now on having Paris Hilton as the only performer for next year, so nobody in the world watches the concert.

Members of the group Duran Duran talked during their performance on Live Earth about the importance of doing something for the environment. Shouldn’t they start by not enlarging the hole in the ozone layer with all the hair spray they use?

One of the messages the "Live Earth" concert wanted to spread was "recycling." The organizers gave the example by recycling bands like Genesis and Duran Duran.

Katie Couric
According to a New York magazine reporter, CBS host Katie Couric slapped across her news editor for including a word she detests. Apparently the word was "Ratings."

According to a New York magazine reporter, CBS host Katie Couric slapped across her news editor for including the word “sputum,” which she finds quite gross. It seems anchoring the news have changed her, where is the woman that broadcast a colonoscopy on national TV?

A study says 45% of Americans favor impeaching President Bush. What is even worse for the president is that the survey was conducted at his birthday party.

Political analysts are reporting that Bush might be right, the surge might be succeeding and soon the troops will be back: not the surge Bush wanted, but rather the surge in the number of Republicans against Bush’s strategy.

Mark Karr
John Mark Karr was arrested over the weekend on domestic violence charges after assaulting his girlfriend. People were really shocked, not so much by the fact that he was arrested, but rather by the fact that he’s got a girlfriend.

A grandmother was delighted to win second prize in a baking contest, until she discovered that her cake was the only entry. It reminded experts of another contest with similar characteristics: the 2004 presidential elections when John Kerry managed to finish in second place.