Wednesday, November 21, 2007

November 21st 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody! Pedro

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee announced that professional wrestler Ric Flair, known as The Nature Boy, is backing his bid for the White House. Huckabee said that the support of a wrestler and Chuck Norris are his best weapons to "beat the bitch.”

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee announced that professional wrestler Ric Flair, known as The Nature Boy, and Chuck Norris are backing his bid for the White House. Apparently, presidential candidate Rudi Giuliani is working on getting the support of Jacky Chan and Captain Lou Albano.

John McCain announced Monday that he will spend Thanksgiving in Baghdad with U.S. troops. The good thing for McCain this time is that if he sees any violence acts in Baghdad, he can always blame the typical Thanksgiving family feuds.

Senator John Kerry wants to personally accept Texas oilman T. Boone Pickens' offer of one million dollars to anyone who can disprove even a single charge of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth. On a personal note, I am willing to offer a million dollars to anyone who gives a crap about Kerry anymore.

CBS News Writers
CBS news writers voted by a wide margin to authorize a strike against their employer, the Writers Guild of America announced Monday. This is not the only news channel affected by a writers strike; apparently, Fox News has also been affected by the comedy writers strike.