Thursday, November 29, 2007

November 29th 2007

Great day to you all, at least it is to me, I got published by Newsday, so thanks Newsday and Mr Ken, for choosing one of my jokes in such an important Newspaper, sincerely appreciated...,0,6192554.story

U.S. President George W. Bush opened Tuesday the Middle East peace conference in Annapolis, Maryland, saying that it is a hard effort, but peace is possible. The president had to leave the meeting earlier to meet Dick Cheney to continue strategizing an attack on Iran.

According to some internet rumors Britney Spears is pregnant again. The rumors started when she was getting out of a car without underwear and photographers think they saw a head popping out.

Suicide Rates
USA Today reported that Washington, D.C., has the lowest suicide rate in America. On the other hand, Washington D.C. is responsible for most of the suicides in the rest of the country.

Nevada is the second most suicidal state in the country, especially those who attended the Democratic presidential debate held in Vegas.

Washington DC
Washington D.C. was named in a health survey Tuesday as having the highest rate of sexually transmitted diseases of any city in the United States. A proud congressman was heard saying "No helmets for the soldiers? No helmets for us either!"

The Boston Globe reported that Ted Kennedy is getting more than $8 million to write his autobiography. That would make Kennedy one of the highest paid politicians for writing a book. I hope that doesn’t go to his head.

A news report claims Rudy Giuliani used New York City taxpayers money to pay for the expenses incurred in a Long Island resort as the then-mayor began an extramarital affair with current wife Judith Nathan. No wonder Democrats are better at managing our tax money. They don’t need a fancy resort to have an affair; it just takes them an easy intern and a desk.

Giuliani's chief political adviser said the expenses Giuliani used to travel to Long Island to have an extra marital affair were justified. These were all legitimate expenses incurred in protecting the mayor, and his police detail covered him wherever he went, 24/7. Apparently there was an angry wife ready to kill him.

Victoria’s Secret
It was reported today that Victoria’s Secret clothes are made in sweatshops in Bangladesh. They are called sweatshops because you sweat a lot thinking of the models that are going to be wearing the undergarments.

It was reported today that Victoria’s Secret clothes are made in sweatshops in Bangladesh. Apparently the kids that work for Victoria’s Secret cannot stop making fun of those who work for Nike.

It was reported today that Victoria’s Secret clothes are made in sweatshops in Bangladesh. I guess we finally found out Victoria’s Secret.

Flight Attendant
Patti Smart, a flight attendant, retired yesterday after spending 50 years with Aloha Airlines working in high altitudes. The record for more years high is still in the hands of Willie Nelson, though.