Wednesday, December 05, 2007

December 5th 2007

White House
President Bush attended Monday night a White House holiday ball for all three branches of government. Contrary to the first years of the Bush’s administration, not so many people wanted to take pictures with the president. Apparently, close to Christmas, nobody wants to have any evidence they have been naughty this year.

President Bush attended Monday night a White House holiday ball for all three branches of government. The only person absent was Dick Cheney who decided to go hunting instead. Everybody knows in Washington that when Christmas season comes, it is the only chance for Cheney to shoot flying reindeer.

President Bush attended Monday night a black-tie White House holiday ball for all three branches of government. The only person absent was Dick Cheney who decided to go hunting instead. Apparently Cheney invited several US intelligence officials as hunting buddies.

President Bush said that the fact that US intelligence confirmed that Iran ended its nuclear weapons program in 2003 would not prompt him to take off the table the possibility of pre-emptive military action against Iran. On the contrary, now that we know Iran doesn’t have nuclear weapons, it makes easier to attack them.

The Hillary Clinton campaign released the name of an essay Obama wrote in Kindergarten titled "I Want to Be President." Obama’s staff said they also had an essay Hillary wrote in Kindergarten and are willing to share the papyrus with anybody.

Pop singer Madonna said she likes Hillary Clinton for president. The material girl was happy and said she loves the support of the pop singer.

New York reports on a man that shot a semi-automatic rifle at a group of people in Southport after being teased about passing gas. The judge released him later on but forced him to carry a dog companion so next time he farts he can blame the dog and avoid any trouble.

Larry Craig
A newspaper published Sunday interviews with eight men that claimed to have had sex with Larry Craig. You see what happens when Broadway goes on strike? Gay people have nothing better to do than to start talking to papers.

According to Forbes, Lebron James is the top earning celebrity under 25. I always thought Nicole Ritchie was the top earning celebrity under 25… Under 25 Lbs.

Dave Chappelle on Sunday broke his own record by doing stand up for six hours and 12 minutes. Unfortunately, he still couldn’t beat Dog The Bounty Hunter‘s record for using the N word.

"50 Dumbest People in Hollywood"
The New York Daily News has released its "50 Dumbest People in Hollywood" list and Kim Kardashian is number two. It makes sense to be number two for someone that became famous mostly for her butt.

The New York Daily News has released its "50 Dumbest People in Hollywood" and contrary to everybody’s belief, Britney Spears was not on top. Apparently, the paper didn’t dare put Britney on top because of her recent weight and the fact that she doesn’t wear underwear.