Wednesday, January 23, 2008

January 23rd 2008

Hi there, I'm battling a severe cold, so I will try to have more jokes tomorrow. If I candidate tells e during a debate any home remedy to cure the flue, they would win my vote.. believme.

US President George W. Bush and his top officials ran roughshod over the truth in the run-up to the Iraq war lying a total of 935 times, a study released Wednesday found. The president said he's working hard so in the next 20 minutes he can reach the 1000 lies and throw a party.

US President George W. Bush and his top officials ran roughshod over the truth in the run-up to the Iraq war lying a total of 935 times, a study released Wednesday found. I don't think Giuliani looked smart when he said Bush only lied 911........ times.

John Edwards
Political analysts believe John Edwards has not dropped from the presidential race because he’s betting on his chance to become a king maker. If he continues doing so bad the only king he’ll make are burger kings.

After the South Carolina debate, presidential candidate John Edwards told the press he is tired of being ignored by the media. Apparently his plan to get media attention in the next debate is not to wear any underwear.

During the last Democratic presidential debate, Edwards remained aside of the bloodbath between Hillary and Obama. He can’t forget his profession as a trial lawyer; he was waiting to see who got hurt to represent them in a future trial.

The feisty Monday's Democratic debate on CNN was the most-watched debate ever in cable news. Apparently people thought they were seeing another episode of “American Gladiator.”

Fred Thompson dropped from the presidential race yesterday. What a dumb move, now he can’t even play president on a TV movie because writers are on strike.