Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February 19th 2008

Top advisers to Hillary Rodham Clinton accused Democratic rival Barack Obama of plagiarism Monday after Obama used lines from an address given last year by his friend, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Senator Obama apologized and said it won’t happen again because he fired his speech writer, Carlos Mencía.

Top advisers to Hillary Rodham Clinton accused Democratic rival Barack Obama of plagiarism Monday after Obama used lines from an address given last year by his friend, Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. Obama said he would not call it plagiarism; it’s more like sampling.

Sen. Barack Obama said Monday that he doesn't think it's a big deal that he borrowed lines from his friend, Massachusetts Gov., Deval Patrick. Obama said he’s done it before; he’s borrowed lines from other people like Lindsay Lohan, the Stones and Amy Winehouse.

Kenyans renamed their most popular beer after the country's favorite son, Sen. Barack Obama. They also changed the beer slogan: Obama: the only dark beer that goes well with crackers.

NASA is rushing the Space Shuttle Atlantis back to Earth on Wednesday so the U.S. navy can shoot down a disabled U.S. spy satellite Thursday. Apparently, Thursday is the day the Satellite passes by Iran just over Ahmadinejad’s house.

Panasonic is developing a plasma TV that will have a special coating that can absorb the impact of an accidentally thrown Wii controller. The company said it can also absorb the impact of your remote control after you throw it following the commentary of some of the Fox News’ hosts.

The jackpot for Tuesday's Mega Million drawing will grow to $220 million, lottery officials announced Friday. This will give people a 1 in a 175 million chance of winnong the jackpot; still more probabilities than Huckabee has of being elected the GOP candidate.

Nearly 600 Mexican couples tied the knot in Valentine's Day by the U.S. border on Thursday. Then they used the rope to climb the fence and get into the U.S.

Jenny Craig
Jenny Craig announced that Kirstie Allen is not its spokes-model anymore. This proves the company has a great weight-loss program: in one day they lost more than 300 lbs.

Steven Spielberg resigned in protest Friday as the artistic advisor to China's Summer Olympics opening ceremonies. Apparently, he got offended when he found out that the boot-legged versions of his movies were selling for only half the prince of Coppola’s.

In an average workday, women think about sex 34 times or once every fourteen minutes, which could only be bad if they are your kid’s kindergarten teacher.