Friday, March 07, 2008

March 7th 2008

Just some Friday's leftovers. For comments, suggestions or whatever just e-mail me at

Times Square
A small explosion damaged a U.S. military recruitment station in New York's Times Square. People mostly ignored the explosion because Dick Clark wasn’t there to do the countdown.

A small explosion damaged a U.S. military recruitment station in New York's Times Thursday at 3:45 am. Bush got the phone call at the White House but he didn’t answer because he was reading “The Pet Goat” to Barney.

A small explosion damaged a U.S. military recruitment station in New York's Times. There are not main suspects yet, but some believe it could be Broadway’s retaliation for Bush’s appalling tap dancing.

The Xerox tactics continue in the Democratic Presidential campaign. Apparently Hillary is now the one the Xeroxed something: the entire Karl Rove’s playbook.