Friday, May 23, 2008

May 23rd 2008

Friday Leftovers here! Please shoot me an e-mail if you have comments or suggestions, or any kind of feedback, I would love to hear from you all. Have a nice long weekend.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said women won't suffer a “step back” if Democrat Hillary Clinton loses her presidential bid, and rejected the idea of sexism in the presidential campaign. Then she went back to ironing Harry Reid’s shirt.

Senator John McCain of Arizona is set to meet with at least three potential running mates at a gathering at his ranch this weekend in Arizona. As a nice gesture, potential candidates already bought some flowers to take to the meeting. Unfortunately, for McCain they were dried floral wreaths.

Gov. Charlie Crist of Florida is among the candidates the media thinks McCain might pick up as Vice president. McCain knows Crist very well, I mean Jesus Christ, as he is closer to heaven than earth.

Time magazine reported Thursday that according to some people close to former President Bill Clinton, his view is that Hillary has earned nothing short than a Vice-presidential position offer. More than earned the position, she’s paid like $30 million out of her own pocket.

The US military has lifted a ban on sexual relations between unmarried men and women in the combat zone. Lots of babies will be born in combat because we all know the military has not been good at providing protection to the soldiers.

A Washington state man admitted that he's had sex with over 1,000 cars. Nothing to be ashamed of: with the high price of gas, every time I pump gas I feel my car is screwing me.

A Washington state man admitted that he's had sex with over 1,000 cars. What a car wouldn’t do for a gallon of gas!

A Washington state man admitted that he's had sex with over 1,000 cars. He's only ashamed of the time he had sex with a Hybrid, because that's kind of gay sex.

A Washington state man admitted that he's had sex with over 1,000 cars. He confessed that he's favorite one is the Tahoe.

A Washington state man admitted that he's had sex with over 1,000 cars. Nothing better than a Hummer for that.

Hillary Clinton’s campaign and a big part of the media say that Obama doesn’t have the support of white uneducated people, thus he cannot be president. Wouldn’t that be an incentive to vote for him, though? Wouldn’t you rather have a president that educates people to increase the number of supporters, rather than a president that would try to dumb them up so they continue voting for her?

Geographic Bee
An 11-year-old who knew Cochabamba is in Bolivia won the 20th annual National Geographic Bee on Wednesday. But to be fair, most of the kids whose parents are coke drug dealers would know the answer too.

An 11-year-old won the 20th annual National Geographic Bee on Wednesday after he correctly answered where Cochabamba was. President Bush congratulated the kid but said everybody knows Cochambaba is the place where Ritchie Valens is from.