Friday, August 08, 2008

August 8th 2008

Friday leftovers! If you want to send me comments, ideas, or suggestions please e-mail me at ..
Have a nice weekend...

Straight Talk Express
John McCain's bus, the Straight Talk Express, was photographed sporting an Obama bumper sticker. McCain’s staffers didn’t notice it, though; they all thought it was a Jesus fish.

John McCain's bus, the Straight Talk Express, was photographed sporting an Obama bumper sticker. McCain’s staffers suspected something was different when people started cheering, waving and honking at the bus.

John McCain's bus, the Straight Talk Express, was photographed sporting an Obama bumper sticker. How little do reporters care about McCain that the only way they would photograph the bus is because of an Obama’s bumper sticker?

John McCain's bus, the Straight Talk Express, was photographed sporting an Obama bumper sticker at the back of the bus. You would think that after Rosa Parks they would let the sticker go to the front of the bus.

Iranians have suspended the practice of stoning people to death. President Bush was happy because we shouldn’t waste so much pot.

A recent poll said half of Americans are tired of hearing about Barack Obama. The other half are tired of hearing about Osama, but just because reporters mistake the name for Obama.

Due to his latest web ads, McCain took the lead on YouTube hits this week. I don't want to say the senator got obsessed with the number of hits, but in the next commercial he's expected to feature the Numa Numa Guy, Chocolate Rain guy and the prairie dog.

The driver of a minivan lost control of the car and slammed into the John McCain campaign bus Thursday in Miami. The McCain bus tried to avoid the crash but it couldn’t turn left.

The driver of a minivan lost control of the car and slammed into the John McCain campaign bus Thursday in Miami. McCain’s staffers didn’t even notice it; they have been crashing with this campaign since they started.

Economists have figured out that Oprah controls just over a million U.S. votes... to what Ralph Nader said: “I wonder what that would be like?”

Osama Bin Laden's driver was sentenced to 66 months in prison but could be out on parole in 6 months. Some people thought they were too lenient with him, until they found out that as a part of the sentence he’ll be forced to drive only a Ford.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced that the average amount of time a patient waits in an emergency room before seeing a doctor is 56 minutes, which is up from 38 minutes ten years ago. Well, if the doctors are like the ones in Greys Anatomy, they probably spend most of their time having sex with each other.

A federal judge ordered Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick to jail Thursday. How ironic; all his life looking for enough bars on his cell phone to text his mistresses and now he’s behind bars...