Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September 23rd 2008

Illusionist David Blaine is attempting to hang upside down for 60 hours above Central Park. Thousands gathered immediately under the magician, not so much because they cared about the stunt, but rather because we’re so poor now, people were hoping some coins would fall from his pocket.

Illusionist David Blaine is doing a stunt that consists of hanging upside down for 60 hours above Central Park. Unfortunately for the magician, this time the competition is big, there are already tons of Wall Street traders hanging from trees in Central Park since the economic crisis began last week.

60 minutes gave Sunday an entire hour to John McCain and Barack Obama. They also gave 5 minutes to Ralph Nader... 5 minutes to leave the premises when he showed up to ask for an interview.

Researchers from the University of Florida have found that men who hold sexist views earn about $8,500 a year more than men with a forward-thinking view of women. That explains why since Sarah Palin became a candidate many people in the media got a raise.

Sarah Palin will have only two days to meet with seven world leaders and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger in New York City this week. It’ll be like speed presidential dating.

In the news
Several neighborhoods near Orlando International Airport recently learned their 8-year-old developments were built on a World War II bombing range that wasn't thoroughly cleared. Most of them will stay, because they have more chances of losing their homes to foreclosure than to a hidden bomb.

Police in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, were called to an apartment building after neighbors spotted a 3-year-old boy carrying a baby bottle full of beer. The little boy's mother was immediately arrested because the beer of choice was Bud Light.

Dane Cook says he doesn’t want to move out of his apartment because then he will no longer be inspired by the spirits of John Belushi and Steve Martin. Judging by Cook’s latest movies, that apartment must have also been inhabited by Paulie Shore.