Friday, December 12, 2008

December 12th 2008

Friday Leftovers..... hey everybody feel free to send me an e-mail with comments, ideas, suggestions at
You all have a great weekend.....

The movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was nominated for a Golden Globe Thursday. It’s the story of a man who is born old and gets younger with the passing of time. Apparently, the writer got inspired by the life of Kenny Rogers.

According to a recent survey, 1,500 Americans suffer eye injuries from a cork shooting out of a champagne bottle. Those AIG CEO’s better start celebrating with something else.

Some of the McCain-Palin regional headquarters are selling all of their office equipment. Apparently, they were selling computers, furniture, and Joe the plumber.

Some of the McCain-Palin regional headquarters are selling all of their office equipment. Apparently, they were selling computers, furniture and Bristol Palin’s engagement ring.

According to a new unemployment study, well-paid professionals like lawyers are joining the rapidly expanding unemployment rolls. Fortunately, politicians are working hard to reduce those numbers by hiring them after they are caught breaking the law.

Sean Hannity has decided to go it alone, rather than find a replacement for Alan Colmes. Apparently, he’s hoping to win at least 40% of the arguments now that he’s only debating himself.

According to a new scientific research, Jesus wasn't born in December. Apparently, the Virgin Mary made it up so she wouldn’t have to buy two presents: one for his birthday and one for Christmas.

President-elect Barack Obama said he’ll be sworn in as Barack Hussein Obama because the tradition is that they use all three names. “It is not true,” said Dick Cheney, who didn’t swear as Richard "Beelzebub" Cheney.