Tuesday, January 20, 2009

January 20th 2009

Everybody is still talking about the other day’s miracle... No, not the US Airways plane landing, the Cardinals going to the Super Bowl.

Captain Sully Sullenberger was invited to Obama’s inauguration. He arrived on a sunny day carrying an umbrella. Apparently, since he killed those geese, every other bird has decided to retaliate.

Captain Sully Sullenberger was invited to Obama’s inauguration. Today organizers prepared the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool in case he wants to land there.

Barack Obama is holding an open house at the White House his first full day in office. It is more like a tour so you can see what you get when you rent the Lincoln Bedroom.

According to barbers around the country, more and more clients have started asking for the "Obama haircut" to look like the new president. According to doctors at Bosley Hair Restoration, more and more people are asking for Biden’s.

Some Los Angeles homeowners affected by the bad economy are renting their homes as film sets. Phil Spector says that his place is perfect for a murder-mystery thriller.

Some Beverly Hills homeowners affected by the bad economy are renting their houses to be used as sets for porn movies. They can make as much as $2,000 to $3,000 a day, or call it even if they want to be part of one of those movies.

According to a new survey, New York is the city most affected by job loss in the country. Things are so bad that even Caroline Kennedy is fighting for one.

Cuban officials say they are ending a nearly decade-long ban on new licenses for private taxis. People can’t wait to be able to enjoy new cars like a 58 Chevy Impala, or a Ford Farlaine.

Vice President Dick Cheney pulled a muscle in his back Monday. Apparently, carrying Bush on his shoulders for the last 8 years took its toll.

Vice President Dick Cheney pulled a muscle in his back Monday and is using a wheelchair for the inauguration. You he's faking it, he just wants to get a better parking spot.

President Obama said Monday that, given the crisis we’re in, we can’t allow any idle hands… “I agree,” said Bill Clinton…

Two in three Americans will watch the swearing-in ceremony. The other will swear at the ceremony.

A nude picture Madonna posed for back in 1979 is being auctioned off next month. Judging by the amount of carpet down there now you know why she is dating Alex Rodriguez, because only a Latino is capable of mowing such a lawn.