Thursday, January 29, 2009

January 29th 2009

Gossip reports say Tony Romo is cheating on Jessica Simpson. But in his defense, recent pictures suggest Jessica has been cheating on him with Tony Roma’s.

According to a new survey, half of all people say they're more likely to eat in this Valentine's Day because of financial reasons. The other half is likely to eat out, because due to the financial crisis they lost their homes and live on the streets.

A democratic-leading Congress approved a historically huge $819 billion stimulus bill Wednesday night. The controversial package includes money for job-creating programs such as building roads, transit projects, and a massive reconstruction of Nancy Pelosi’s face.

An aerial acrobat has died after falling 15 to 20 feet during a performance in Scottsdale, Ariz. Apparently, during his act, he hit a flock of geese.

According to a new study, boys in the United States with less-common names are more likely to break the law. So, with names like Trig, Bristol, Piper, and now Tripp, we know now that Sarah Palin is raising a family of criminals.
The economy is so bad; the NBA is now charging for FREE throws.

This week, a woman gave birth inside of a library in Denver. It wasn’t that easy for her with everybody shushing her during the delivery.

Scientists have found that being popular can actually be in your genes, especially if you take them off quite often.

Scientists have found that being popular can actually be in your genes. Today, NBC announced they’ll be doing genetic studies before they hire anybody else.

Republican Congressman Phil Gingrey from Georgia apologized to Rush Limbaugh a day after he harshly criticizing the radio host. Apparently, to show Rush his love, the congressman sent a beautiful gift basket full of Viagra pills and Oxicotin.

Several people in the media as well as some political analysts have openly criticized Rush Limbaugh for wishing Obama’s failure. Unfortunately, the criticism against Rush Limbaugh fell on deaf ears.

Massive deficits could force the post office to cut out one day of mail delivery, the postmaster general told Congress on Wednesday. So, who is my dog going to chew on that day?

The stimulus package that was just approved by congress includes $335 Million to control sexually transmitted diseases. Wouldn’t be saving a lot of money if we just buy Paris Hilton a chastity belt?