Friday, January 30, 2009

January 30th 2009

Friday leftovers....have a nice weekend

The media reported this week that the dress code is more casual at the White House since Obama arrived. Things are so casual at the White House now that on Fridays Joe Biden wears his hair unplugged.

Governor Rod Blagojevich says that he got his children a puppy for Christmas. Actually, the puppy wasn’t for the kids; he wanted to sell it to Obama but the cheap son of a gun didn’t buy it.

There is a rumor going around that Michelle Obama is pregnant. Apparently, Obama gave her the stimulus package already.

A 17-year-old student was arrested for dressing up as a girl to try to take a high school Regents exam in place of another student. Can you imagine the teacher’s reaction when he found out...?

Members of congress have given themselves a raise of $4,700. Put yourself in their shoes; have you seen how expensive those sits are nowadays?

Barack Obama signed an equal pay bill that will benefit female employees. Companies all over the country didn’t oppose; they will just lower all the male employees’ salaries and match them to females’.

CBS has given the go-ahead to a comedy show called "Tick Tock." With that name, the show is likely to bomb.

Japan's government wants its citizens to procreate more. So they are banning Larry King from their TV’s so it won’t affect women’s arousal.

Doctors say that frequent masturbation can decrease the risk of prostate cancer in men over 50. There you have it! A great excuse for when your wife catches you looking at porn online! You’re welcome.

A leading climate expert says that Barack Obama has only four years to save the Earth. Wow! Given the world economy nowadays, he’s a total optimist.