Wednesday, November 11, 2009

November 11th 2009

According to a new report from the Center for Responsive Politics about the wealth of our elected officials, there are 237 millionaires in Congress. So in a way, we can say that Congress is as rich as the Yankees, but unfortunately, it performs like the Cubs.

New research found that having a poor supervisor increments your chances of having a heart attack. Now that explains Dick Cheney’s bad heart condition.

According to a new research, workers feel ten years younger after they retire. Great, by the time I’m ready to retire, I’m going to feel like a 110.

President Obama said yesterday that he is considering making a decision to consider sending troops to Afghanistan.

A Brazilian woman whose short, pink dress caused a near riot at a private college and led to her expulsion will be allowed to return to class. Because that’s precisely what she needs… class.

A Brazilian woman whose short, pink dress caused a near riot at a private college and led to her expulsion will be allowed to return to class. It worked for that school, because today people from all over the world are registering to study in that college.

A blond, attractive Brazilian woman whose short, pink dress caused a near riot at a private college and led to her expulsion will be allowed to return to class. I don’t think she cares anymore about college; she already got offers to work in Univision and Fox News.

A woman in Canada stole $21,000 from her boyfriend because she wanted him to break up with her. I’m not this guy, but I think a text would have been enough.

A woman in Canada stole $21,000 from her boyfriend because she wanted him to break up with her. That never works, look at politicians, they keep stealing from us, and we keep voting for them.

A judge is temporarily blocking Jennifer Lopez’s ex-husband releasing a movie about her. Apparently, the judge is afraid the movie could be as bad as Gigli…

A sex tape of Carrie Prejean has surfaced. In the video she is all by herself. I don’t want to give you more details, but it is evident that she is a strong Bush supporter.

According to a new survey, re-gifting is becoming more common in America. Take the democrats for example; they seem to be willing to regift the seats they won in 2009.

Sammy Sosa’s agent says that Sosa’s skin looks lighter because he is going through a skin rejuvenation process. Actually, Joan Rivers went through the same rejuvenation process; what nobody knows is that in the past she was as black as Whoopy Goldberg.

Ellen DeGeneres was on "Oprah" yesterday. Two day talk giants met for the first time; actually, one day talk giant, Oprah.