March 3rd 2010
General Motors is recalling 1.3 million compact cars in North America to address a power steering problem. Apparently, people discovered the problem on the steering wheel when they were trying to dodge Toyotas.
General Motors is recalling 1.3 million compact cars in North America to address a power steering problem. Apparently, since Obama took over the company, all the cars started veering left.
General Motors is recalling 1.3 million compact cars in North America to address a power steering problem. Who says we can’t make cars like the Japanese?
French Roman Catholics have opened a pay telephone line to confess their sins where people pay 0.34 Euros per minute. No wonder Catholics wanted Tiger to convert to their religion! If he confessed over the phone, the Pope would be able to build a new Vatican with all the money Tiger would have to pay.
French Roman Catholics have opened a pay telephone line to confess their sins where people pay 0.34 Euros per minute. I guess I will have to continue sinning; I have AT&T and my reception is horrible everywhere.
President Obama had his physical exam on Sunday. His doctor told him his cholesterol level was high and that he needed to cut the fat and drink moderately. Do birthers need more proof he was born in this country???
President Obama has not stopped smoking. Would you blame him? It is so stressful to run the country and if you add that your mother-in-law lives with you, and Biden is your vice president... You would do the same.
President Obama has not stopped smoking. Maybe he should be more like Sarah Palin... you know, a quitter…
Roger Ebert debuted his new, synthetic voice on "Oprah" today. He said he couldn’t wait all this time to finally be able to talk and say: “Cop Out” sucks!
Roger Ebert debuted his new, synthetic voice on "Oprah" today. His first words: “2 Thumbs up!”
Kate Gosselin will reportedly be on the next "Dancing with the Stars”. Her kids were immensely happy; they will finally get water and food again now that there are some producers around.
Adam Lambert says he WOULD sleep with a woman. Yeah, Lady Gaga…
A new study finds that dim lighting can trigger dishonesty. So, are you telling me the stripper lied when she said I was hot?
Golf Digest magazine says that Tiger Woods received a phone call from Bill Clinton while he was on rehab. Apparently, Bill wanted to know if Tiger could share some of his Vegas contacts now that he is not using them anymore.
Oprah's people are denying that they're producing a Paula Abdul talk show. Rumors started circulatiing when a truck full of pharmaceuticals parked outside Oprah’s studio.
Dick Cheney suffered a fifth heart attack last week. I guess now that he is not the president he needs to attack something!
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